8 bacteria, 3 fungi, mostly cheese starters and ripening cultures
22 - 43% of reads
Cheese (core)
Core species
abundance > 0.01%
prevalence = 100%
1 core species 😞
0 bacteria
1 fungi: 44-50% of reads (rind/core)
Techno-level core
8 bacteria, 3 fungi, mostly cheese starters and ripening cultures
31 - 76% of reads
Network analyses
Network reconstruction
Ecological niches
aggregate cheese replicate samples at the production level (386 batches)
average Bray-Curtis distance on 16S and ITS2
build 5 habitats using hierarchical clustering
Network reconstruction
aggregate ASV at the species level
keep species with prevalence > 10% (global) or >20% (habitat)
infer a network (with PLNnetwork) with rind/core and clusters covariates
Module reconstruction
Identify modules using blockmodels
Microbial Network
132 Nodes: 75 bacteria and 57 fungi
5 modules of size 11 to 35
Modules made up of similar taxa
Guild content
Structuring factors
Large differences between 🥛 and 🧀
NMDS projections, PERMANOVA analyses
Bacteria (\(R^2=12.9\%\))
Fungi (\(R^2=8.8\%\))
Separate analyses for 🥛 and 🧀
PDO-dependent factors shape the milk and cheese microbiome
Cheese structuring factors (I)
Cheese structuring factors (II)
Main drivers of diversity
PDO (\(R^2 \simeq 60\%\))
PDO prescribed variables:
ripening time
topography, dairy species
Cheese producton practices:
rind care practices
use of wooden board for ripening
salting method
pH at the end of ripening
For some techno only
type of production (farmhouse vs corporate dairy)
milk treatment
Focus on PPS PDO
Cheeses within the PPS techno split by PDO
Within PDO, large effects of atelier de production and season.
Focus on PPNC PDO
Cheeses within the PPNC techno split by PDO and rind treatment
For PDO38, rind treatment explains 65% of the observed dispersion
Milk structuring factors
Taxa flux
Identifying flux
Cheese taxa also found in the milk
42.2% of the bacterial species (346/820) found in the milk
63.6% of the fungal species (346/820) found in the milk
At the production level: 740 pairs 🥛 - 🧀
Over all productions
147 shared bacterial ASVs
178 shared fungal ASVs
Per production, on average,
6.58 shared bacterial ASVs, 15% of the richness, 44% (rind) / 64% (core) of the reads
16.8 shared fungal ASVs, 41% of the richness, 84% (rind) / 90% (core) of the reads
Identifying flux
Huge differences between techno
15% of the richness
41% of the richness
About the shared ASVs
Some frequently shared ASVs not known as starters or ripeners
Sharedness modulated by technological factors
ASV128 detected exclusively on goat’s and cow’s milk and their cheese
Probability of being shared varies widely across PDO
Many more species (\(\sim 1700\) for bacteria, \(\sim 1150\) for fungi) than introduced into dairy products (\(95\) for bacteria, \(40\) for fungi)
Indigenous species contribute to the typicality of PDO cheese
No overall difference in diversity between bacteria and fungi, except in the rind
Core microbiota
A core milk microbiome with 12 species: 6 fungal and 6 bacterial
but marked differences in composition
No French cheese core microbiota (reduced to Geotrichum candidum)
but techno specific core microbiota
Summary (II)
A Terroir effect on cheese
PDO is a strong structuring factor
If only by being confounded with other factors
Many factors (region, topography, season, practices, PDO know-how) are significant
Observed from the milk onwards
PDO second most structuring for milk after dairy species
Many factors (region, topography, animal breed and feed) are significant
Minor effect of season compared to udder hygiene and animal housing conditions
Summary (III)
Importance of the milk - cheese continuum
Milk is an important reservoir of fungal diversity (>40%)
The outcome of the transfer is strongly modulated by the techno
Most shared ASVs are not from starter cultures
With a few caveats
Low detection power in milk (low microbial load)
Limited resolution of ASVs
No information of cell viability
Françoise Irlinger
Eric Dugat-Bony
Etienne Rifa
Sebastien Theil
Céline Delbès
Olivier Rué
Valentin Loux
Cécile Neuvéglise
Pierre Renault
Corinne Cruaud
Valérie Barbe
Frederick Gavory
Ronan Lasbleiz
Céline Spelle
Frédéric Gaucheron
A work by Migale Bioinformatics Facility
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, MaIAGE, 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, BioinfOmics, MIGALE bioinformatics facility, 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, France