Module 12ter: additional challenges


Mahendra Mariadassou

MaIAGE - Migale - INRAE

Christelle Hennequet-Antier

MaIAGE - Migale - INRAE

Date de publication

2 avril 2024


7 mars 2025

1 Goals

The goals of this vignette is to provide additionnal challenges to help you consolidate your grasp of tidyverse verbs. It will also allow us to introduce some useful verbs that were not covered in the vignettes like slice() and rename().

2 IPS data

For this tutorial, we’ll use the IPS data from French high schools. The data were recovered from open data platform of the Ministère de l’Éducation, des Sports et de la Jeunesse here in csv format.

We slightly preprocessed them to challenge you with (hopefully) interesting questions.

2.1 Import the data

The data are stored in two flat tsv files. Use one of the read_*() from the readr package to import them as ips_data and academy_data.

ips_data <- readr::read_tsv("Data/ips_data.tsv")
academy_data <- readr::read_tsv("Data/academy_data.tsv")

Each dataset consists of tabular data with several colums.

academy_data has 6 variables:

  • Académie: academy (administrative division for higher education) of the high school
  • Code du département: departement number
  • Département: departement (medium scale administrative division) of the high school
  • UAI: high school unique ID
  • Nom de l'établissement: institution name
  • Code INSEE de la commune: INSEE code of the city
  • Nom de la commune: city name
  • Secteur: whether the school is public or privé sous contrat

ips_data has 7 variables:

  • Rentrée scolaire: academic year
  • UAI: high school unique ID
  • IPS Ensemble GT-PRO: mean IPS for students in both Voie Générale et Technologique (hereafter GT) and Voie Professionnelle (hereafter PRO)
  • IPS voie GT: mean IPS for GT students
  • IPS voie PRO: mean IPS for PRO students
  • Ecart-type de l'IPS voie GT: standard deviation of the IPS for GT students
  • Ecart-type de l'IPS voie PRO: standard deviation of the IPS for PRO students

2.2 Clean variable names

The long variable names are informative but cumbersome to type. We’d like to replace them with shorter names. We’re also interested in neither the Code INSEE de la commune nor the department information.

Look up the rename() function, remove superfluous variables and replace academy_data and ips_data with version with shorter names.

This is one possible solution, but you can come up with other names.

## Academy data
academy_data <- academy_data |> 
  ## remove superfluous columns
  select(-c(`Code du département`, `Département`, `Code INSEE de la commune`)) |> 
  ## use shorter names
    Academy         = `Académie`, 
    Institution        = `Nom de l'établissment`, 
    Institution_ID     = UAI, 
    Sector             = Secteur,
    City               = `Nom de la commune`,
ips_data <- ips_data |> 
    Academic_Year   = `Rentrée scolaire`, 
    Institution_ID     = UAI, 
    IPS                = `IPS Ensemble GT-PRO`,
    IPS_gt             = `IPS voie GT`,
    IPS_pro            = `IPS voie PRO`,
    IPS_sd_gt          = `Ecart-type de l'IPS voie GT`, 
    IPS_sd_pro         = `Ecart-type de l'IPS voie PRO`

Note that you can only also rename and select at the same time, as the following code shows:

academy_data <- academy_data |> 
    Academy         = `Académie`, 
    Institution        = `Nom de l'établissment`, 
    Institution_ID     = UAI, 
    Sector             = Secteur,
    City               = `Nom de la commune`,

2.3 Checking missing values

We’d like to perform a few checks on the data.

Find the fraction of missing values for the standard deviation of the IPS score for each year. Do the values before 2019 make sense ? What about those after 2019 ?

To perfom this computation, we

  • group the data by year
  • compute the fraction of missing value for IPS_sd_gt and IPS_sd_pro by transforming NA to 1 and other values to 0 computing the mean.
ips_data |> 
  ## Group the data by year
  group_by(Academic_Year) |> 
  ## Compute the fraction of missing values
  summarize(frac_na_sd_gt = mean(, 
            frac_na_sd_pro = mean(
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  Academic_Year frac_na_sd_gt frac_na_sd_pro
  <chr>                 <dbl>          <dbl>
1 2016-2017             1              1    
2 2017-2018             1              1    
3 2018-2019             1              1    
4 2019-2020             0.320          0.422
5 2020-2021             0.315          0.421
6 2021-2022             0.314          0.421

We find that 100% of values were missing before the year 2019-2020. This is expected as this metric was not collected before 2019. Afterwards, we have roughly 31% of missing values for IPS_sd_gt and 42% for IPS_sd_pro. This corresponds, for the former, to the fraction of high schools with no Voie Professionnelle and, for the latter, with no Voie Générale et Technologique. The remaining 27% are high schools offering both Voies.

2.4 Adding a new variable to the dataset

We’ve seen previously that a high school can be limited to Voie Professionnelle, limited to Voie Générale et Technologique or have both. We’d like to code this information as a factor with 3 levels: GT, PRO and Mixed. Likewise, we’d like to recode the Sector as something shorter. We can do that using case_when() and if_else().

Add a public_type column to the data frame that characterizes the students in the high school. It should take 3 values:

  • "gt" if the school only has GT students
  • "mixed" if the school only has both GT students and PRO students
  • "pro" if the school only has PRO students

Recode the Sector column so that the two values it takes are:

  • "public" if the high school is public

  • "private" if the high school is private

We use case_when() for the public_type variable.

ips_data <- ips_data |> 
  mutate(public_type = case_when(
    ## Scores available for both GT and PRO students, the school is mixed
    ! & ! ~ "mixed", 
    ## Scores available for GT students, the school is pro
    !                   ~ "gt", 
    ## Scores available for PRO students, the school is pro
    !                  ~ "pro", 

For Sector, the information is already present but takes values "public" and "privé sous contrat" and we just want to change "privé sous contrat" to "private" and keep the rest unchanged.

academy_data <- academy_data |> 
  mutate(Sector = if_else(Sector == "privé sous contrat", "private", "public"))

2.5 Joining the tables (I)

If we try to join the tables with inner_join(academy_data, ips_data), we end up with a strange message:

  Detected an unexpected many-to-many relationship between `x`
and `y`.
ℹ Row 1 of `x` matches multiple rows in `y`.
ℹ Row 19 of `y` matches multiple rows in `x`.
ℹ If a many-to-many relationship is expected, set
  `relationship = "many-to-many"` to silence this warning.

What causes the problems ? Identify the source of the problem.

Do you expect a single row from academy_data to match multiple rows in ips_data ? And a single row from ips_data to match mutiple rows in academy_data ?

Each high school is represented by several academic years so a single row from academy_data should match multiple rows in ips_data. However, each high school should only be represented once in academy_data. Let’s look at row 19 of ips_data and extract its matching rows in academy_data. This is a textbook example for a filtering join.

semi_join(academy_data, ips_data[19, ])
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  Academy    Institution_ID Institution                             City  Sector
  <chr>      <chr>          <chr>                                   <chr> <chr> 

We see that the high school with identifier 9720091S is present three times with three different names, probably because it changed names during the time period (and because the name was mispelled in one record). We may have more records like that in our data.

2.6 Joining the tables (II)

Now that we identified the source of the problem, we can fix it (by keeping only the first record for each high school) and join the tables.

Look up distinct(). Keep only one record per high school (the first one) and join the table.

We use distinct() with the option .keep_all = TRUE to keep only one record per high school but keep all variables for those records

data <- academy_data |> 
  ## keep only one record per high school
  distinct(Institution_ID, .keep_all = TRUE) |> 
  ## join with the IPS data

2.7 A focus on Paris high schools

We’d like to focus on Paris high schools to study the impact of the Affelnet reform. We’re going to create a subset specifically tailored to that question.

Select parisian public high schools that only have GT students and for which we have 6 years of data and keep only the informative columns. Store the results in a new variable paris_data.

Create intermediate variables to count the number of records per school (and optionally whether a high school was always public during the time period).

We must perform the following steps:

  • Select parisian high schools from the public sector
  • For each high school, add the number of records and test whether the high school was GT for all records. Since we want to add those summaries to the full data frame rather than get a smaller data frame with the summaries, we use mutate() rather than summarize() after the group_by(). We could also use add_count() which does exactly the same thing.
  • Keep only high schools with full records and GT students.
  • Remove all columns that do not vary in this data set: Sector, public_type (because all schools are public and host only GT students), IPS or IPS_gt (the two are redundant since the schools are GT), IPS_pro and IPS_sd_pro (the school have no PRO students).
paris_data <- data |> 
  ## select parisian high schools from the public sector
  filter(Academy == "PARIS", Sector == "public") |> 
  ## add number of record and public type for each high school
  group_by(Institution_ID) |> 
  mutate(is_gt = all(public_type == "gt"), 
         n_records = n()) |> 
  ## keep only the requested high schools
  filter(is_gt, n_records == 6) |> 
  ## remove uninformative colmuns
  select(-Sector, -IPS, -IPS_pro, -IPS_sd_pro, -public_type, -is_gt, -n_records)

2.8 Comparing public and private schools

We want to compare the mean IPS between public and private high schools.

In which academies (if any) is the IPS higher (on average) for public high schools than for private ones ?

We first need to compute the average IPS score per academy per sector. The question doesn’t specify it but we’re going first to compute the average IPS per school before doing the aggregation. Then we need to pivot the data to have two columns (one for public and one for private) before counting the results.

data |> 
  ## We need to add Academy and Sector to keep them in the tibble for further computations
  summarise(IPS = mean(IPS), .by = c(Academy, Sector, Institution_ID)) |> 
  ## Summarise at the academy level
  summarise(IPS = mean(IPS), .by = c(Academy, Sector)) |> 
  ## Pivot according to the sector
  pivot_wider(values_from = IPS, names_from = Sector) |> 
  filter(private < public)
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  Academy    public private
  <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>
1 GUADELOUPE   870.    843.
2 BESANCON    1000.    984.

2.9 Highest and Lowest IPS

Before focusing on the Affelnet reform, we want to identify the most privileged high school in each academy.

Find the high school with the highest IPS in each academy for the year 2020-2022, then the top 5, then the second highest. You can look up slice_*() functions to help you.

We’re going to group the data by academy and sort them by IPS before using slice(1) or slice_head(1)for the highest IPS.

data |> 
  filter(Academic_Year == "2021-2022") |> 
  group_by(Academy) |> 
  arrange(desc(IPS)) |> 
# A tibble: 32 × 12
# Groups:   Academy [32]
   Academy  Institution_ID Institution City  Sector Academic_Year IPS_gt IPS_pro
   <chr>    <chr>          <chr>       <chr> <chr>  <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 AIX-MAR… 0131323T       LYCEE GENE… MARS… priva… 2021-2022       1515      NA
 2 AMIENS   0601149Y       LYCEE GENE… SENL… priva… 2021-2022       1392      NA
 3 BESANCON 0900030U       LYCEE GENE… BELF… priva… 2021-2022       1338      NA
 4 BORDEAUX 0331493U       LYCEE GENE… BORD… priva… 2021-2022       1447      NA
 5 CAEN     0141161L       LYCEE GENE… CAEN  priva… 2021-2022       1317      NA
 6 CLERMON… 0631847R       LYCEE GENE… CLER… priva… 2021-2022       1447      NA
 7 CORSE    7200073S       LYCEE GENE… BAST… priva… 2021-2022       1261      NA
 8 CRETEIL  0940880W       LYCEE GENE… NOGE… priva… 2021-2022       1492      NA
 9 DIJON    0211074D       LYCEE GENE… DIJON priva… 2021-2022       1346      NA
10 GRENOBLE 0382863F       LYCEE POLY… MEYL… public 2021-2022       1446    1181
# ℹ 22 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: IPS <dbl>, IPS_sd_gt <dbl>, IPS_sd_pro <dbl>,
#   public_type <chr>

We can also use slice_head(5)for the five highest IPS per academy

data |> 
  filter(Academic_Year == "2021-2022") |> 
  group_by(Academy) |> 
  arrange(desc(IPS)) |> 
  slice_head(n = 5)
# A tibble: 160 × 12
# Groups:   Academy [32]
   Academy  Institution_ID Institution City  Sector Academic_Year IPS_gt IPS_pro
   <chr>    <chr>          <chr>       <chr> <chr>  <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 AIX-MAR… 0131323T       LYCEE GENE… MARS… priva… 2021-2022       1515      NA
 2 AIX-MAR… 0131324U       LYCEE GENE… MARS… priva… 2021-2022       1482      NA
 3 AIX-MAR… 0131319N       LYCEE GENE… AIX … priva… 2021-2022       1468      NA
 4 AIX-MAR… 0132810J       LYCEE GENE… AUBA… priva… 2021-2022       1418      NA
 5 AIX-MAR… 0133525L       LYCEE GENE… AIX … public 2021-2022       1388      NA
 6 AMIENS   0601149Y       LYCEE GENE… SENL… priva… 2021-2022       1392      NA
 7 AMIENS   0602070Z       LYCEE D EN… MORT… priva… 2021-2022       1377      NA
 8 AMIENS   0601701Y       LYCEE GENE… COMP… priva… 2021-2022       1360      NA
 9 AMIENS   0600009J       LYCEE GENE… CHAN… public 2021-2022       1292      NA
10 AMIENS   0801742J       LYCEE D EN… AMIE… priva… 2021-2022       1276      NA
# ℹ 150 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: IPS <dbl>, IPS_sd_gt <dbl>, IPS_sd_pro <dbl>,
#   public_type <chr>

And slice slice(2) for the second highest IPS per academy

data |> 
  filter(Academic_Year == "2021-2022") |> 
  group_by(Academy) |> 
  arrange(desc(IPS)) |> 
# A tibble: 32 × 12
# Groups:   Academy [32]
   Academy  Institution_ID Institution City  Sector Academic_Year IPS_gt IPS_pro
   <chr>    <chr>          <chr>       <chr> <chr>  <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 AIX-MAR… 0131324U       LYCEE GENE… MARS… priva… 2021-2022       1482      NA
 2 AMIENS   0602070Z       LYCEE D EN… MORT… priva… 2021-2022       1377      NA
 3 BESANCON 0251028G       LYCEE GENE… BESA… priva… 2021-2022       1256      NA
 4 BORDEAUX 0331491S       LYCEE GENE… BORD… priva… 2021-2022       1409      NA
 5 CAEN     0142059M       LYCEE GENE… CAEN  public 2021-2022       1304      NA
 6 CLERMON… 0631075B       LYCEE GENE… CLER… priva… 2021-2022       1327      NA
 7 CORSE    7200021K       LYCEE GENE… CORTE public 2021-2022       1174      NA
 8 CRETEIL  0940877T       LYCEE GENE… VINC… priva… 2021-2022       1482      NA
 9 DIJON    0211928G       LYCEE GENE… DIJON public 2021-2022       1324      NA
10 GRENOBLE 0730759D       LYCEE GENE… AIX … priva… 2021-2022       1406      NA
# ℹ 22 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: IPS <dbl>, IPS_sd_gt <dbl>, IPS_sd_pro <dbl>,
#   public_type <chr>

2.10 Affelnet reform

We want to assess the effect of the affelnet reform by comparing the IPS score and the heterogeneity of the IPS between 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. We first need to format like below:

Filter and transform paris_data so it looks like the previous table. I removed the columns Institution and City from the screenshot but you should keep them.

Looking carefully at the expected result:

  • we need one filter to keep only the last two academic years (2020-2021 and 2021-2022)
  • we need one pivot_longer() to change the two columns IPS_gt and IPS_gt_sd into two records
  • we need one pivot_wider() to change the two rows corresponding to years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 into two columns.
paris_data <- paris_data |> 
  filter(Academic_Year %in% c("2020-2021", "2021-2022")) |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = IPS_gt:IPS_sd_gt, 
               names_to  = "IPS_metric", 
               values_to = "Value") |> 
  pivot_wider(values_from = Value, names_from = Academic_Year)

You’re now ready to reproduce the following graphs.

ggplot(paris_data |> filter(IPS_metric == "IPS_gt"), 
       aes(x = `2020-2021`, `2021-2022`)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "grey20") + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) + 
  labs(x = "IPS in 2021", y = "IPS in 2022") + 
  coord_equal() + 
ggplot(paris_data |> filter(IPS_metric == "IPS_sd_gt"), 
       aes(x = `2020-2021`, `2021-2022`)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "grey20") + 
  labs(x = "Social heterogeneity in 2021", y = "Social heterogeneity in 2022") + 
  coord_equal() + 

Evolution of the IPS score

Evolution of the social heterorogeneity


A work by Migale Bioinformatics Facility
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, MaIAGE, 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, BioinfOmics, MIGALE bioinformatics facility, 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, France